notes from a Thursday

Number 7

Sitting in front of my window I can see a big grey cloud forming and moving. It's windy and it will most likely rain soon. Today I don't mind. Little Miss Joey has moaned already, mind you, but I am now at peace with the weather. As I walked to the station today, I remember feeling calm in the grey. I had a good day.

:: I overslept. 
:: I had the quickest shower in the history of rushed showers. 
:: I had good coffee. 
:: I had an amazing group of visitors. I love my job, have I said that? I do. 
:: I went to belly dance class. It was fun. It had been ages, 6 years to be precise. Need practice. 
:: I swapped good emails with good people and am really really enjoying this blogging adventure. 
:: I made a list. That amuses me. 
:: I worked on this post for These Moments. Oh my, that are so many talented people out there!
:: tomorrow is the last day of Raining Umbrellas and I'm feeling so much more focussed in my creativity I wish it could last longer.
:: I finally worked on my submission for the Creative Challenge group. Numbers. It this suits me! Seven, obviously!

Before I go, an interesting article over at Something Surprising, by the ever so surprising (clever huh?) Plasma Engineer! Make sure you read some of his other posts too, informative and controversial. 

And a few Flickr favourites to brighten your evening: 12, 3, 4... I could go on, but I won't. I need my bed. And so does my neck. It has been scientifically proven by me on one subject that the stiffness of one's neck is inversely proportional to the number of hours one has slept. For LMJ, (23:50-03:00)*sleep + 1*awake + (04:00-06:30)*sleep = one very stiff neck!

Nighty night!

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