notes from a Tuesday

defy the rules

Monday was not my finest day for inspiration, but thanks to inspiring Mondays I went to bed feeling a bit better about life and the world and myself. It took me 24 hours to realise the positive effect of ::inspiring Mondays::!

Tuesday, however, was a much better day. Not only did I realise how inspiring Mondays can be, but I was also made aware of the fact I have an amazing set of people around me. People who will stay up late to tell me it's ok, people who tell me how brilliant my foot news are when they're just ok, people who make me laugh because.

Tuesday was also excellent because I got to see my physio and he is awesome. If you're ever in Oxford, I'll give you his number. I went in in pain and came out pain free and walking fine. With a few recommendations. Joey is not to do her 45 minute morning walk until further notice. Joey is not to stay still with her leg up not moving at all either. Joey is not to run until she feels no pain at all for 3 consecutive days. Joey is to drop the little pout and the very annoyed face. Joey is to giggle when her foot is tickled.

Tuesday finished by the river in great company. Pout abandoned. Annoyed face forgotten. The world has been put right!

To finish this post, I would like to let you know that over at These Moments we're having a giveaway, a brilliant exciting one. I could tell you how I helped organise the whole thing, but that would be a lie; the true engine behind it all was Kate! I suggest you go over there and enter your comment. Who knows, you may even win!


  1. It sounds like you have had a lovely day! So excited (as you know) by the giveaway.

    Kate x

  2. Hehe... it will be brilliant :)

  3. :-) Happy to hear you feel better Joey! I hope you will enjoy this week. It's almost weekend ;-) xxx

  4. Sound that you have a good day so far :) Well... Monday sometime always can be very non inspiring haha... same here too.

    Have a good day always ( and weekend just in the corner ;p)

  5. Thank you ladies :D Such a nice weekend indeed!



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