::inspiring Mondays::

That strip of yellow in the image above. This field that I have seen most days since November on my commute to work is now covered in yellow and I love it. I love seeing how it changes with the seasons, even when I barely notice them. It should be Spring, it doesn't feel like it, but the yellow... oh the yellow!

:: house sitting
:: running. and my running buddy. the best!
:: this country's green! so beautiful!
:: baking. apple cinnamon muffins (or another name for heaven!)
:: little baby kittens. too cute for words.
:: whatsapp! 
:: fresh flowers.

I wish you a sunny Monday, whatever sunny means to you. Do share in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. nahhh, it was cloudy and miserable working from home, well sort off
    was planning to go for a run today, but realized I have no trousers, the single pair I seem to have is in the office in Germany :(



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