Notes on an unplanned break

I went on holiday to Portugal and shared my awesome feet fashion murder photo to say so on the day I left. Before leaving, I prepared the tunic post (still getting used to this planning-posts-ahead business) which came out while I was on holiday. Since then, I have been silent.

I hadn’t planned on doing a blog break. In fact, before going away I had plenty of ideas for posts I would like to write and things I wanted to share here. However, the beautiful Portuguese summer took me for a wonderful ride and I forgot all about the online world. Unbeknown to me, it would appear I was in need of a holiday even more than I thought; a mental break, a let’s-really-switch-off break.

Interestingly, one needs a holiday even from things one enjoys doing, like writing here. I finally got why some bloggers take a break over the summer; it’s good to switch off and clear your thoughts and quite frankly, think of nothing for a little while. I shall be doing that this Christmas*, oh yeah!

*First mention of Christmas 2013 in August… preoccupying?


  1. Oh, I know that feeling so good. You plan, you have so many ideas, but then you just relax and poof, it all goes to neverneverland.


  2. I will be doing one very very soon!!!

    The social media can also be exausting, even thow we don't quite realize it...

    And besides, the best breaks are the ones we don't really plan much...!

  3. ohh I totally understand your feeling, and what a view to match with it! (I truly miss it)
    it's so important to feel back home, to enjoy all the good things we love: our family, our friends, our food... Home :)



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