on photography

So tired...

I want to reconnect with my camera. I want to experiment again, be creative, open my eyes to what's there. The photo above was taken when I did Jackie Rueda's course L'Atelier, which I would very much recommend if you speak Spanish. I met a lovely group of people on the course, we're still in touch and their photography and enthusiasm still motivates me to pick up my good old Nikon and make it shine. That's when I truly love the internet.

As I go through my week in the life, I realise things are a bit rusty here. This project has been amazing to me just for that! I want to photograph more, not as a photographer but as a documenter of life, my life and what goes on in it, with a creative flare.

Do you ever feel you're not making the time for the things you want to do?


  1. YES! infelizmente sinto que na realidade tenho muito pouco tempo para as coisas que gostava de fazer, mas que por outro também me podia esforçar por encontrar pedacinhos de tempo!

    1. Sem dúvida. Às vezes (ou muitas vezes), distraio-me a ler coisas ou em passeios no pinterest ou eu sei lá que mais e quando se dá por ela...

  2. ohhh love the idea, but I feel I don't have enough time for myself and to do the things I enjoy doing. And I guess I'm so tired my creativity goes down the road hahahah

    1. Totally relate to what you say! I'm in constant search for that right balance... time management, I believe it's called :)
      Almost there ;)

  3. That's a beautiful photo! I agree with you that the internet is a great place to connect with people whose amazing work is a motivation. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Laura :)
      So true, a toast to the internet!

  4. Hello, LMJ! how are you? :) It's been a while since we took Vicki Dvorak's raining umbrella together.

    And I do agree that I'm not making the time for things I really want to do
    I think commitment is what I need to do things I really love
    But shamely, my commitment is become less and less
    I hope we can connect more and share our creative journey

    Hugs from Indonesia


    1. Citra... so good to see you here!

      Definitely commitment is very important, working out one's priorities and how to fit them in.
      I hope you too find your way through this journey :)




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