As I thought about what I could write for the Day of Multilingual Blogging, I came across an excellent article in the Economist on the subject of bilingualism. The article asks if different languages confer different personalities and then goes on to explore the answers brilliantly.
This question is one I often think about and have mentioned in previous blog posts [1, 2]. My writing style and subject matter are very different in Portuguese and English. In Portuguese, I tend to be nostalgic and let the hand do the writing straight from the soul. In English, I’m happier and determined to focus on all the good in my life. Interestingly, this applies only to my writing and not me.
What best than to just write in both languages now? Thanks to this year's Day of Multilingual Blogging, I sat in front of a blank screen and wrote. What you can read below is what came out of me in either language, unedited (sort of). In the name of science, the exercise was kept the same - fill an empty screen with a blog post.
Sou Portuguesa.
Sou nostálgica, é uma característica que me assiste. Tenho em mim toda a nostalgia do mundo (e o drama, ao que parece). De mim saem palavras de outroras que foram e memórias que nunca existiram de dores que senti sem saber como. No silêncio dos dias, há uma angústia que me dilacera a paz de espírito. Se me sentar aqui tempo suficiente, esvaziar-me-ei de lágrimas que não tinha por tudo o que foi e não chegou a ser. Penso, como tantas vezes, no calor feliz da curva de um pescoço que me aqueceu a alma, mais do que outra coisa qualquer. Sempre a curva do pescoço, essa certeza quieta da intimidade... ainda que não certa. Lembro-nos a nós, ou outros como nós éramos, tão novos e quase felizes, que não se é feliz quando se é novo, só depois, quando o mundo não pára e os dias lentos podem ser, por fim, felizes na memória. Quero guardar-nos, ainda e sempre, no lugar fechado das recordações tristes porque tão felizes nos fizeram… um dia.I live in England.
There’s tea, always chamomile as it soothes me and helps me focus. My red notebook sits next to the laptop, a list of possible posts I’d like to write half crossed; this business of brainstorming post ideas is great! It’s not Monday yet but I can think of all the things which are making my belly turn with happy butterflies. Our home is one, perpetually happy with the new red cushions. And oh how I love the beautifully crisp morning light that comes in through the living room windows. I could sit here forever in awe of that light; in fact, I could sit here forever thinking of that light.As I read above, I realise how great this Day of Multilingual Blog has been for me. It's sometimes painful to write in Portuguese as I seem to go deep into the unknown and bring a gentle sadness with me, but at the same time... it's a part of me, the writing and what I write. Rediscovering that connection felt amazing! It also felt good to know that my happy colourful style can roam free in English. I just love the freedom multilingualism gives me!
Photo credit: Vivacious Mel Photography
ReplyDeleteWow Mel, you did a beautiful job! Your passion for photography is shining through LMJ's eyes!
Bem, tenho que dizer que fiquei mesmo espantada perante a disparidade da escrita em língua portuguesa e língua inglesa...