Brazil vs UK

My dear friend, the Erratic Photographer and I set ourselves a little challenge whilst I was in Brazil; to take one photo a day, on the same theme, for 10 days, to show the contrast of LMJ's holiday in Brazil and his routine in the UK. Between you and I, I think he just feared he would miss LMJ too much and wanted an excuse to hear from her everyday, but we'll keep that a secret...! The photos are done and we can now bring them to you, side by side! We'll aim to tell you a little bit about each of them. Hope you enjoy it!

LMJ: I was so excited about my trip to sunny Rio I had not one moment to lose; I was out of the house at 6:20 to make it to Heathrow with more than enough time to spare for my 12:00 flight. That's keen, I know! I patiently sat on the plane for 11:30 hours, watched films and worked on some photographs. Occasionally, I did think of my dear Erratic Photographer back at home, working away and negotiating the early sunsets and very short daytime. That's until I had to change into flip-flops because we were about to land in Rio de Janeiro!

EP: While LMJ was flying over the Atlantic towards sunny Rio, I was stuck in traffic on the way home from work. The clocks had just gone forward so the journey is now being made in the dark. A depressing prospect. Although I'm lucky that it's not a bad commute, the boring daily routine is in stark contrast with the excitement of Joey's transatlantic voyage.



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