::inspiring Mondays::

Feet on the grass

... on a Tuesday. More on that in a minute, after I let you know it's SUMMER in Oxford. Proper flip-flop-wearing summer with Pimms and picnics and sunshine and heat. That's how you make a Joey happy, you give her a little bit of summer when summer should be and it's done! 

Elke has been in Oxford until this morning which made my Monday feel like a long weekend of treats. Elke and the summer have made me a very happy lady indeed. We watched life go by with a glass of wine in the sunshine and we talked about our plans and our Ms. We had lovely and open chats about everything and nothing; it's so important to talk about nothing only to realise you feel full of happiness afterwards. 

:: ice cream 
:: sunshine! 
:: Elke
:: cooking projects. in spanish! 
:: picnics. 
:: having a garden 
:: Little Brother's emails. 
 :: Pimms in the sunshine. Oh yeah! 

I hope you had a lovely start to the week, wherever you are. I will leave you now to enjoy the summer. Have I told you we have a summer in Oxford? Yep, we do!


  1. Don't forget English cooking projects :9

  2. I'm loving summer too! I always have loved winter and rain, but this year the sun is warming my soul!

  3. @JZ: I'll use them all combined!

    @Christian: I like having our seasons... which was proving difficult to get this year in the UK... but the summer is here now :)

  4. I want an "I like" button in the "Cooking Projects" IN SPANISH!!!!!!
    I confirm that you're improving a lot in your spanish, I can't say the same of my english ;)



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