::inspiring Mondays::

windowsill flowers

Today (or more accurately, from last night to the early hours of today) my hometown celebrates S. João. Once again, I am not there. Once again, I’m not eating grilled sardines nor joining in on all the fun. A boo day for the Joey, then! And it just so happens it's a Monday.

What could cheer me up on a day like today? A chilled morning cycle, enjoying the silence and the route. A yummy lunch reminding me of Sunday dinner. Red trousers. A delicious dinner with M. I guess it’s all good!

:: texting and emailing Little Brother. Non-stop. Hihi!
:: Despicable Me 2. So very funny!
:: cycling. Enjoying it more and more.
:: raspberries with white chocolate sauce. 
:: Game of Thrones season 2. 
:: Saturday afternoon very high tea in excellent company!
:: concert tickets!

How's your Monday treating you? I hope you had a warm day, filled with smiles :)

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you sweet lady! Who knows how many times you'll be able to celebrate that special day in Portugal ... :)
    Your very high tea moment makes me really ... -and yes you know what I am going to write now- curious!



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