November goals

November is chestnut month in Portugal, or that’s how I think of it anyway. We roast the chestnuts with sea salt and do magustos throughout the month; it’s one of my favourite winter childhood memories and one which warms me in this cold. It's funny how memories have that power, isn't it?

I can't quite believe we're almost through this year. Like never before, I think time just flew me by and yet as I look back, so much has happened during these 11 months. The main thing for me has been my approach to change and what I ask of November is that it gives me some tranquility, in the present and in the future.

:: finish the little birds red cardi.
:: plan a baby quilt for my new cousin.
:: write here at least twice a week.


You can read all my monthly goals posts here and my change :: one little word posts here.


  1. I have to say I love November, it's a warm up for the christmas decorations, the end of the autumn colours and my birthday :D

    1. All excellent reasons to love this month :)
      Hope you have a great birthday!

  2. apesar de fazer anos em novembro confesso que não é, de todo, um mês preferido. nem é carne nem é peixe, não é Outubro com aquela ansia do Outono nem Dezembro com o Natal. Mas concordo, as castanhas e os magustos são um dos pontos altos do mês! Adoro!

    1. Compreendo-te... é mesmo um mês baunilha, como se diz por aqui... mas as castanhas valem a pena, ou fazemo-las valer ;)



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