
Maria and Javohir are entrepreneurs looking for investment in their business to better their lives. I am lucky enough to be one of the people investing in their business, through Kiva. Go over to Kiva and learn how you can lend to other entrepreneurs.  

About Kiva in their own words

"We are a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world."

nós por cá todos bem

I've been knitting and sewing. I've got back to running and had to pause because of a harsh cold. I've been watching Breaking Bad and finished Homeland season 3. I've been feeling more and more and home in our ever so cute little cottage. I've been enjoying the Christmas spirit and Christmas dinners and traditions and British festivities. I've given (not posted) Christmas cards. My second article for Fe-line came out here and I'm still pinching myself that I'm doing this!

Nós por cá todos bem is a randomly scheduled feature for when images describe what's happening around here so much better than words could. You can read the first post here.

::inspiring Mondays::

December mornings are quite possibly the hardest ones for me. I'll confirm in January, but at the moment leaving my duvet when it's dark outside is difficult, very difficult. I pat myself on the back everyday for this big achievement that is getting up. Go, Joey!

There's been a lot of talk in my circles about Christmas presents; we discuss where people are buying their presents from, going local, aiming for meaningful presents rather than just something, and so on. I have a few presents sorted and a few which aren't, but I don't mind and somehow don't feel rushed to get it sorted just yet. I'm making some of the presents and in all honesty, those are my favourite ones; things I've made which someone I care about will enjoy! As I think of this, I realise how lucky I am I can make things.

:: photography. I am so inspired by it and so grateful to have so many photographic records of my family and friends.
:: Flickr. I've been away from it and I'm now going back; it's truly inspiring to see others' photos and makes me want to push myself in photography.
:: sewing. I am doing a sewing course where we are learning to make trousers; My Grandma would be so proud!
:: knitting. handmade gifts, garments to wear, anything; it makes me so happy to be able to make things.

It's sunny. I love sunny winter days! How's your Monday been? Hope you're enjoy the season and the sunshine :)

December goals

It's December and I'm over the moon with the fact I made it through the year with my one little word and monthly goals. Absolutely ecstatic! I am proud of myself and I'm so very happy I made it. As the year comes to an end, I look back at all that's been and can't quite believe it all fitted in these incredibly fast paced 12 months. I'm sure only yesterday was January and I was home surprising Dad on his birthday.

I have goals for December which extend (just a little bit) beyond enjoying Christmas and the ever so comforting family time. I also have little dreams and big dreams. And I have this incredible changed view on change... sometimes, it's actually nice.

:: not check the internet in bed; it's so comfy there, just enjoy that!
:: finish my Project Life album. I so love this project!
:: embrace the season and make the most of being home.

This is my last monthly goals post of the year. I will write the December :: update and a review on the series possibly at the end of the year. I'm still not sure how I will do my goals for 2014, I just know I will do something. I love it and it gives me focus!


You can read all my monthly goals posts here and my change :: one little word posts here.

change :: November update

November was a good month and I can't help but be in awe of it. If I had to pick the most bland or boo for no reason month, I'd very likely say November. The days are short and there's still a long way to go until Christmas. It's cold and you're surrounded by Christmas adverts. Yep, poor November has the worst bits of December and none of its major points. Yet, November was good and I embraced it. I felt at home!

Michael's Mum visited in November. It was good to get to know her better and spend time with her. It was lovely to have a guest to pamper and be a hostess for. It was delightful to hear about Michael's children days... there's nothing quite like an embarrassing childhood story to makes us see how similar we are!

I also became an official contributor to Fe-line; you can read my first post here! It's all about cool places to sample Brazilian and Portuguese food in Oxford. I hope you enjoy it and, given the opportunity, get to sample all those places when you visit.

I did finish my little birds cardi... as knitting goes. I now need to find buttons for it and block it. Can't wait to wear it! And can't wait to photograph it and show it here. I have largely planned the baby quilt for my cousin and know exactly what I want; if only the fabric could magically appear in my stash, that would be fab! I haven't checked, but I think I did write here twice a week; not more, but at least that. That's how habits are made, surely ;)


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