The sun is shining. It’s June and the sun is shining. That is enough to make it a good day, whatever day it is. Sunny Monday, you rock!
The beautiful weekend just gone had some sunbathing time in the park and knitting in the garden. Sunbathing means more freckles, but who cares, really when the sun is finally here? There was Pimms too. And cider. And quality pub time with friends. And even a football match for good measure. Such a nice weekend that I woke up today feeling rested – love that feeling!
:: sun. sun. sun. sun. sun. sun. sun. LOVE!
:: O2 and their international favourites. Absolutely brilliant plan for foreign customers. Ta mucho!
:: post office on a Saturday. Genius idea!
:: my growing Little Birds cardi. More on this later in the week.
:: bare feet on the grass. What a great feeling!
:: watching Life on Mars with LMrJ.
:: ice cream!
How’s your Monday going? Hope the sun is shining where you are :)
sol sol sol sol!! finalmente!!! :-) fosse isto sempre assim até setembro, ah?